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Black Scallop Dress

By May 14, 2016 , , , , ,

Not too long back, I fell in love with a purse sported by one of my favorite bloggers, Kathleen from Carrie Bradshaw Lied. It was a Rebecca Minkoff crossbody bag and surprise, surprise - it had tassels. So of course, I had to have it. Luckily, my good ol' sister was flying in to Singapore from the States so I ordered the purse from Zappos.com and had it shipped to her address. It arrived just before she had to fly out...so that she could hand deliver it to me in Singapore. This scallop, black shift dress is another purchase I made on a U.S. store online called Boohoo.com. This too was shipped to my sister's address so that she could bring it to Singapore with her.

My point here is - there are all these great online stores that offer free shipping and returns. But they are limited in that they only cater to the U.S. so people like us in Asia are unable to take advantage of it. What a pity! It's one of the things I miss about living in the U.S. Nevertheless, this situation has inspired me to find more online stores that are Asia-centric. I know there are several Indian websites and I have successfully used online stores like sheinside.com in the past. Do you have any other websites to recommend, dear reader?

Dress: Scallop shift dress from Boohoo.com (similar here) | Purse: Rebecca Minkoff round Sofia crossbody bag | Necklace: Bauble Bar | Sunglasses: Ralph Lauren | Sandals: Mumbai street shopping

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  1. The dress and the bag...supercute.
    Love it.


  2. You can also try missamoresg.com . They have very unique design and based in Singapore

  3. Hey, I fell in love with your Instagram feed & came to visit your blog from there. I am an Indian living in Singapore and I blog at www.crazyforcosmetics.com. We can meet up some time over a cup of coffee !! Loved your blog.


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