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Love Where You Live

By October 20, 2016 , , ,

Many people find Singapore as a country to be too sanitized and too structured. To a certain degree, I agree with that assessment. It’s true that Singapore is probably the most Westernized and developed of the Southeast Asian countries. The streets are perfectly clean, systems run efficiently like clock-work, there are clear-cut rules and regulations on everything, and there is an air of predictability around most things here. But what’s wrong with that??? I for one like living in a society that runs like a well-oiled machine. It makes life easier and less stressful. 

Then there are naysayers who complain that Singapore is too dull to live in. Not enough culture and personality, they say. My take is that it’s all about perspective. Your experience is what you make of it, anywhere you go. I find that there are plenty of pockets of culture stashed all over Singapore, some obvious, some more hidden. It’s just a matter of you venturing out and discovering what lies beyond your front door. For example, I love the murals you’ll find around Tanjong Pagar and Tiong Bahru, the hustle & bustle and temples of Little India, the pastel colors and unrestrained use of colors of Perenakarn shophouses, the crazy graffiti-covered walls of Haji Lane, the undulating Henderson Waves Bridge, and the list goes on...

Then there are complainers who say that Singapore is too small. It’s claustrophobic, they say. Well, I consider myself immensely fortunate to live in a country where travel to surrounding countries is only a short distance away. If ever I want to break the monotony of daily life, I can easily hop on a plane to places in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Cambodia – all within 3-4 hours of flying time. Isn’t that great?

Clearly I like living in Singapore. But I also loved living in other places in my life, such as New York City, Austin, and Bangkok. My bottom line is basically this: Embrace the city (even the world) you live in! There’s so much to see and discover and learn, no matter the place. Never stop being curious. Always keep that sense of wonder. Do things that excite you. You’ll be so much happier in life!

Dress by Morning Lavender | Purse by Ammos Accessories |
Shoes by Charles & Keith | Bracelet by Accessory Concierge

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  1. That's an amazing taken on things. Wonderful dress, you look fab as always!

  2. M speechless...everything abt this post is so beautiful.



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