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Dealing with Imposter Syndrome at Work

By April 20, 2021 , , ,

We've all suffered from imposter syndrome at some time in our life! That feeling of inadequacy, insecurity, not feeling like you measure up compared to everyone else. I have experienced it myself - I remember feeling it acutely whenever I have started a new job or role at work. I would see the shiny, polished exteriors of my coworkers who seemed so confident and comfortable and feel even more hypercritical of myself. Do I belong here? What if they realize I'm a bad hire? It's a terrible, sinking feeling but it can be overcome!

Be brave enough to believe in your own ability.

I'd like to share some tips that worked for me as I've dealt with imposter syndrome. I hope you'll find it useful for yourself as well:

1. Realize you're not alone: There's a lot of people out there who give the impression of "fake it till you make it". But in reality, they have their own insecurities too. It's normal to experience self-doubt. Knowing you're not the only one is assuring.

2. Focus on the facts: Make a "brag sheet" where you objectively list out your accomplishments at work. Sometimes, our emotions blur our reality. We often perceive our negative thoughts and shortcomings to be worse than they really are. Appreciate your own positive achievements (big and small) based on fact with this list. It really works!

3. Put your best foot forward: Coming into a new role and unsure of yourself? Rely on your strengths and do what you do best. There may be a steep learning curve on a subject matter but you can still use certain transferrable skills to make a strong impression. For example, when I shifted careers from Pharma to Tech, there was a lot of technical stuff I didn't know. But I used my ability to connect with people, manage stakeholders, and communicate effectively as a rock and to demonstrate value (while working to catch up on other areas).

4. Positive affirmations: "I am good, I do my best, and I cannot control the rest". Repeat this to yourself and you will feel more in control. Release that inner critic inside of you.

5. Open up to others: You need not share every dire thought you have been experiencing but opening up to your coworkers can lead to surprising results. After a few months at a new job, I remember jokingly telling a coworker that I felt so insecure when I had started my job because everyone else around me is just so smart. To my surprise, my coworker replied, "Oh yeah, I totally get you. I had this imposter syndrome for the longest time!". We ended up chatting about it and exchanging our thoughts on it and it was so helpful! 

Imposter syndrome can make us hesitant to speak up, accept a new role, or apply for that dream job. It can eat away at our self-confidence and lead to a downward spiral. Don't let it get to you. I hope the advice I shared above can help you realize the power of your own self! 

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