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The Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

By October 31, 2012 , , , , ,

It’s the day after Hurricane Sandy and we’re still reeling from the experience. Since we were advised to stay indoors yesterday, all we could do was listen uncomfortably to the sounds outside. The heavy sheets of rain and gusts of winds from the superstorm (no longer considered a hurricane) caused our windows to rattle so hard that we feared the glass would break. It was also unsettling to hear the building shaking and creaking from the pressure of the storm railing outside. Even more disturbing was listening to the news on TV and personal updates on Facebook about the devastation caused by Sandy on family and friends. Hurricane Sandy has definitely wreaked havoc and immense destruction upon us, and we’re all trying to pick up the pieces. Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone. Be safe!

In the meantime, a few light-hearted highlights from Hurricane Sandy...

The parody twitter account @HurricaneSandy is a hoot! Among my favorite tweets were, “No guys, I didn’t get Herpes from passing through the Jersey Shore”

I can’t find a single pizza place that’s open today but liquor stores? They’re open everywhere! Clearly, the city has its priorities

Mayor Bloomberg’s Sign Language Interpreter

This lady’s got swag. Lydia Callis has emerged as one of the standout public figures, turning sign language intepretation into a dance with her lightning fast hand movements and facial expressions. See her in action here: http://bit.ly/SsBDse

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  1. i am glad you are doing good and this is such a sad, devastation situation. Prayers goes out to everyone who has been affected by Sandy.


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